Thursday, December 16, 2021

TMI - Sound Reaction

 I have a special water bottle that I use almost daily and for some reason the sound of filling said water bottle instantly makes me want to pee. I fill waters for the kids or in other bottles without the same reaction. I fill my special water bottle in different dispensers without the reaction. 

It is some combination of our fridge dispenser, the shape of this bottle and the sound it makes that is such a reaction almost without fail I don't get to fill it all the way up before running to the bathroom.

I am somehow afraid this sound will be honed in on and used as kryptonite against me at some distant point in the future. 

Monday, December 06, 2021

Missing the Point

 I always love the holidays the drunken political armchair expertise that goes with them. 

Slight nerve got touched when I said it might be in the nations best interest to fund college for everybody.

"That is socialism. Why would we pay for people to go to school? I had to pay my own way. I had to pay for my own kids and now you want to make it free? You going to pay me back? Why cant everyone just go to trade school and earn an honest living?"

I was hoping the following points might have won them over 

1. College was way more affordable in previous generations.

2. You should want the world your kids and grandkids to live in be better. 

3. If other countries invest in education and get people degrees without becoming indebted or have a $100k barrier put in their path where do you think the US will be in 20 years?

4. Trades are important but so is a lot of other stuff that requires education.

Don't get me wrong the university system needs a major overhaul. We have to do a better job at teaching people to think and solve problems. But what makes me nervous for the whole of us is it seems like most people don't want to think any more.

Not sure how we fix this but seems like you would want a stockpile of smart people around.