Monday, February 21, 2022

Girl Scout Cookies

 There are a lot of over rated things in the world that people rave about. I put girl scout cookies right at the top of the list. 

If the girl scouts want funding why don't they just get the lines picked up by major grocery stores?

If you want to teach them business skills there is marketing, product placement, distribution, manufacturing all parts of building skills. Why focus on just training them to become micro MLM people?

Cause they cant, those cardboard cookies would get destroyed on a shelf next to Sweet Martha or TRex.


But I still buy a few boxes every year to support s few peoples kids, I just turn right around and donate the boxes while I stuff my face with something else.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Training and Experience

 I have a hard time taking advice from people who are in such different places. At the gym I was getting lectured by the 24 year old professional trainer. 

When I was 24 I ate anything I wanted staid in excellent shape with only moderate exercise and a club night life lifestyle. It was easy. 

I asked if they had someone who might be older with Kids someone who would have more experience and be able to offer more help with what is best given my situation and for some reason this was taken as highly offensive? 

Is it wrong to want a coach who has found success on the road you are on?

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Angel Hair Pasta Racist?

 Was cooking some scampi last night and my daughter picked up the box of angel hair pasta and started playing with it. 

She pulled out a noodle and asked why they called it angel hair pasta, I said I didn't know. 

She held the blond noodle up against her dark brown hair and asked if it meant she couldn't be an angel cause she had the wrong color hair?

We are sticking to spaghetti next time

Tuesday, January 18, 2022


 I wonder if peoples feet got wider during the pandemic. With less shoe wearing to the office or going out if they just kind of spilled sideways? Maybe because people got a little fatter too?

I have just noticed a lot of people walking awkwardly in dress shoes at a few events recently.

Also wondering if dress shows will become a relic 

Thursday, January 06, 2022


 Today while at the bus stop with my kids I was shocked and appalled to watch my son stick his tongue to the stop sign pole. 

In a horrifying second I took the lid off my coffee poured it down the pole and he detached. 

little bit more blood than I was expecting. 

I went home made at my wife that she banned Christmas Story in our house cause I felt like he definitely should have known better....but then I thought how.