Sunday, December 18, 2005

Holiday Spirit is on Back Order

Mom my asked me what I would like for a present this year....yes i am 28 years old and my mother still asks me such things. I actually thought about it this year and you know what? I don't want any presents. A stark contrast to the begging little kid whose list for santa rivaled the yellow pages, but I am older and during the year i treat myself and those around around me. I don't enjoy christmas anymore and see an ever growing need to revise my association with it.

Festivus is looking good and starting next year I will be having an annual party in its in 365 days please feel free to stop by my house with a sixer or a bottle of wine and we will do that which we do the whole year through and raise a glass in each others company to each other....what better present can there be then toasting to the people whom bring joy into my life the whole gift required, in fact it you bring one you will be kick out, leave the dogma at the door and raise the glasses up....salute


Anonymous said...

Consider Rocketstar and his better half as your first official guests. We will be there in support and honor of a great idea.

The revalation, I mean revolution (pun intended), starts now.

dawnmarie said...

holy long-ass spam batman.

Aurora and other half will also be stopping by, with summit and wine. I love Christmas, but any excuse to party...

Brianinmpls said...

This is going to be a sweet party:)We will also hold a new ritual called the buring of the spammer...

dawnmarie said...

Too bad we have to wait a year for it.