Monday, January 09, 2006

Ode to the Modern Man

Where did the stereotype of the burley man who is part ape with no emotions come from? Surely not any history I have ever read....Aristotle? Socrates? Alexander the Great? Thomas Jefferson? Brock Hudson?

I think that the ape quasi homophobic man is a unique American view point. I mean I can understand from an evolutionary perspective that a women would want to be with someone who makes them feel safe, but what does this have to do with the fact that pink looks good on me or that I enjoy massages? I mean isn't the ultimate dominance of this world having someone else wait on you?

Look, I don't like to watch sports on TV, I love to read, I drink wine, I enjoy pampering myself, I enjoy talking to people, I like to cook, ego contests really never interest me, I don't feel like I constantly have to whip it out (I feel bad for the men at the bars who have to be all tough because that is all they have....It always strikes me as sad)I like to make out, I like to develop myself........I like being a strong man and truthfully I like defying the idea of what a man has to be and is.

So here is an Ode to that modern man and all the men that I know who don't fit a mold and to those that do who do. To all the men who have helped me define the polished and warrior that I am becoming. I am lucky to have such friends.

Plus how about a little James Allen to carry us home...As a Man thinketh


Rocketstar said...

First of all, I clicked on your ad, what a joke that bullshit product is.

Second of all, come to grips with it man, you are a homosexual.

Rocketstar said...

Just kidding man, here si the real comment.

I agree that the homophobic part is more of an American trait of "manly men" than let's say our brothers in Europe. I attribute this to heavy Christian and religous influence in the good ol US of A.

Remember, GOD HATES FAGS Brian.

Brianinmpls said...

The bad thing about the ad is it is supposed to be related to what I write about.....content what does that say about

dawnmarie said...

*is not homophobic*

that said, I'm glad you're strong though, because you have to carry my furniture. See how it's all about me? When they discover the center of the universe, you'll find out that it's me.

dawnmarie said...

And I forgot to say, I half expect Josh to show up at school tonight, just to say hi to us and hang out.

Brianinmpls said...

I could expect it too....I think me might be there because he has class up until he leaves though i can't remember what is like a prep class.

2-8 on the 28th I am all yours along with my go cart of a car.

dawnmarie said...

aces on the 28th! you have a go cart car? do tell. I rented a 10 foot truck, my uncle has a truck, we have two weheelers and furniture dollys, my boxes will all be packed, my sister has a truck, my best friend has a station wagon, another friend a minivan, I think we're set. and I will buy beer.

Brianinmpls said...

I have a honda element...same

Anonymous said...

If you're interested in Slug's definition of a what a modern man is and/or if you enjoy actually good Hip-Hop, check out the following tune...

Ode To The Modern Man (Overcast EP)
by Atmosphere

Brianinmpls said...

No joke Matt i was listening to that song when I was typing thats where I got the blend)

Anonymous said...

Cheers! That's hilarious. Good on you for supporting the local talent. I love that song.