Wednesday, March 01, 2006

And so it begins......

I am not a religious man but have enjoyed the experience of some of the religious festivities if nothing else to help me appreciate and understand others points of view. In the past I have partaken in Ramadan the Muslim tradition of fasting from sun up to sun down although I admit I didn't fully abstain from all that is required by tradition read into that sex and booze but truly did abstain from doing these during the daylight and found it an excellent test of self control. In keeping with that experience and expanding on the catholic tradition of lent I am going to attempt to abstain from orgasming for the next 40 days. Similar to the movie if anyone has seen it. My last record since I was about 12 has been 5 days so this shall be no small task as any man will tell you.

So if over the next 40 days if I am cranky please understand and lend some support but for goodness sake don't touch me or tempt me...YOU KNOW WHO YOU TEMPTRESS ARE!!! ...LOL

What is included
No Wanking
No Wet Dreams
No Sex

I am worried about the possible side effects such as weight gain, but am prepared to deal with the ramifications.

I know this sounds crazy but I guess every once and a while you have to test yourself.

And so this test begins.....


Rocketstar said...


Worried about wiehgt gain, how about INSANITY! I think it may be better to test your will power with a non human bodily function. Men are made/programmed to spread their seed, simple as that. That is why we have wet dreams if you do abstain for too long. The body NEEDS that release.

Good luck my friend, but 40 Days is IMPOSSIBLE, no way.

I think you will break your previous record, and my guess is:

9 Days.

Good luck hombre.

Brianinmpls said...

Hey 9 days would be great...i had a hard time just showering this morning and it only just

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your 40 days... I do hope that showering does not become too difficult for you, as I'm sure everyone involved wouldn't enjoy your lack of, if it were to come to that! Maybe you could find some old man to sponge bathe you if it gets truely unbearable! hehehehe

Sarah said...

holy shit brian! that was actually the other thing i gave up last year. i didn't know if it was appropriate to put on my blog, but since you brought it up... yeah. but once i fell off the booze wagon, i chose to fall off the sex wagon too and i'll tell you what... it was worth the wait. i went about 25+ days probably.

brian, you've insprired me. i'll do it again too.

did you know lent is 40 days only if you exclude sundays? some people cheat on sundays because of that. i personally don't, but if you're looking for a loophole...

dawnmarie said...

good luck briaƱ.

i'm not doing it. but good luck to you and sarah.

Brianinmpls said...

Anyone notice the key words in the ads this post inspired? Funny.....

dawnmarie said...

i have sewwer draining, is that what you're talking about?

Brianinmpls said...

Plumbing, Draining, Pumping out etc..most of the funny stuff is in the blurbs about the product

Dem Soldier said...

40 days......hell has to freeze..

I give you 5 more...

theresa said...

Best of luck with that Brian. Be the master of your domain.

lauren said...

Maybe your loyal readers should start a betting pool like they did in the movie...

I thought about giving up sex for Lent, but thought it was too obvious since I'm not currently having sex, nor do I have any prospects on the horizon. Then I thought about giving up boozing, but thought it was too difficult since my Irish heritage forces me to celebrate St. Patrick's Day...and also because I'm turning 25 soon and will officially be in my mid-20s (which saddens me).

So now I'm thinking that rather than giving something up, I'll do something extra, you know? Cuz apparently they changed the rules and you can do that now.

Sarah said...

brian, you competitive at all?

Brianinmpls said...

I compete to the

lol..Thanks Dem

I am master of my domain at least for the time being...welcome day two!!!

Hey don't be sad mid 20's are pretty good!!! The opposite sex isn't what I am am worried about it is the quiet time when I am alone between 10-11 before bed that has me freaked
I be you have lots of are pretty cute;)

Sarah said...

good. then don't give in or i'll hold it over your head that i didn't.

Brianinmpls said...

Ditto!!(is that how you spell dito?)

theresa said...

Ditto is the correct spelling

and welcome to day two :)

Brianinmpls said...

Thanks my spelling is so piss poor I can't believe

Here is hoping to make it to day three;)

Sarah said...

i don't think it's fair to count those. it's not like you can control that happening, i mean, right? [knows nothing on this subject]

Brianinmpls said...

In the movie they black lighted but I think i might let nocturnal emissions slip.