Monday, May 08, 2006

Breaking Free

Breaking Free

Picture if you will sitting behind the wheel of your car. You can move forwards and backwards. You are participating in an assumption. Your car depends on a series of assumptions about physics, gravity, propulsion etc. Your car is grounded in so much as it never leaves the road or at least for your sake I hope so! Your car travels in two dimensions forwards and backwards. Your car is two-dimensional. It has the illusion of safety, it is familiar.
Now picture yourself in the cockpit of a Lear I know a little harder. You are still grounded although the illusion is otherwise; you have updated and added assumptions to everything we know about cars and included lift, aerodynamics, wind currents etc. You are now free to travel in three dimensions you can go forward and up and down, you are in three dimensions, there is the illusion of danger even though you have several 100 times greater chance of dying in a car crash, and it is unfamiliar.

I would contend that there is an element of risk in leaving behind that what we know and updating our assumptions about the world.

I invite you to think about that today and let your thoughts fly as you allow them to move in three-dimensional space….

1 comment:

Rocketstar said...

I like to add in and incorporate a fourth dimension, the unknown dimension.