Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I am now on my fifth Halloween costume and it is the dumbest yet. I started out as speed racer(costume I ordered didn't fit), switched to Jesus(beard gets in the way of drinking)switched to a mailman (decided I don't look good in blue slacks or short shorts)switched to pirate and then puked when I saw how many other people were pirates and now I am a pilot. I tried my pilot outfit last night and was boo'ed apparently people thought my pilot outfit resembled a Nazi ss fuck now what?

I have been sick for like 7 days and I am sick of being sick....I wish this cold would either kill me or move along. The worst part is I can only sleep like two hours at a time then my throat fills with all this mucus and I can't breathe and have to go and cough and blow it out. So not only am I sick I am deliriously tired:(

I am almost 30 years old and having large groups of people over to my house still makes me nervous. Yesterday I found myself carting all of my valuables over to my moms to store for the weekend. Maybe I am jaded after getting looted every time I had an open house or something. I think I am especially nervous because this is the first time I am having a party with all 4 of my social circles together. My friends that I grew up with will be there, my co-workers, my friends from later that I have met at college and a new circle that I have been adopted into via the beautiful woman I am dating. Add to that this party is also being co-hosted by my good friend and her circles who I don't know will be there too all makes for an interesting mix but at the same time I am really excited. I guess you just have to let go at a point and have trust that everybody will be respectful and just get lit together:)


Rachel said...

I think you should be a nun.

Sarah said...

... for halloween only, bri.

dawnmarie said...

I didn't get invited.

Brianinmpls said...

It went to Chinga Tu Madre All!!! I will resend it...

Everyone from that group declined I thought you all were trying to tell me something...

lauren said...

A nun would be good. Or Sponge Bob Square Pants.

Anonymous said...

They might steal your tv. Better put a device on it so you can track them down!


dawnmarie said...

Did you invite via facebook then? or myspace? I never check those, Bri. Email baby.

theresa said...

so what was the final costume decision? how was the party?

Brianinmpls said...

I was a NWA Pilot....and it worked too cause i got really It was fun at least the parts that I remember