Monday, December 11, 2006

Say it would have worked.....

Say we captured Osama. Say we ended the war on terror and Iraq was free say it worked...Would it be worth it? All the civil liberties that we gave up? All the money we spent? Civilians killed? Americas Reputation in the world?

I wonder if it would have worked...would we be ok with living in a society that is only free on the surface....just an illusion of democracy...

Are we still dreaming are we still ok with it even though it is not working?


Rocketstar said...

The simple answer is no. I forget who said it, but...

"He who gives up his liberty for security in the end gets neither."

dawnmarie said...

what civil liberties did we give up? I'm not asking to be contradictory, i'm asking because since the "war" the only aspect of my life that changed is that gas prices went up. I honestly don't know what liberties I've given up, but I'd kind of like to.

Brianinmpls said...

The Military Commissions Act that came about shortly after 9/11 is very interesting reading on the subject. It creates at the will of the person in power the ability to establish a non-class of people known as “unlawful enemy combatants” for this class it legalizes torture, the suspension of habeas corpus, the unauthorized surveillance of Americans and unilateral exercising of executive power to name some of the highlights. It also limits your ability to get an attorney, suspension of Geneva Conventions etc.

There is debate to be sure if this applies to American citizens or just to for. nationals but there are a few others bills that were passed on the subject all of them worth reading I would start with the Military Commisions Act though it is very interesting in its implications

dawnmarie said...

heh. I'm never gonna read it, thanks though.

Until my life changes significantly, I have things I care about more. *shrug*