Monday, July 30, 2007


I had to look up the word tele this weekend. The pre-fix is used for a wide variety of products such as Telephones, Televisions, Telepathic, Telecommunications. For those of you who were in the dark like me on this one "tele" is Greek for "distant"

So with this new found knowledge I set out to the bar and proceeded to bug the shit out of people. I walked up to everybody I could find and said with the most concerned face I could muster, "You seem tele tonight is everything ok?" This was especially funny to do to people I did not know especially if they looked like they were having fun.


the Book of Keira said...

Thank you for giving me my first smile of the I miss you darling :-(

Erin said...

LOL - You must have gotten some great looks ;)

Paige said...

you are crazy and i love it

Maggie Moo said...

I want to have your babies.

Rocketstar said...

Too funny man.