Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Failed Invention #2541235 - Magnetic Car Bumpers

Cleaning my attic this weekend I came across a box of old matchbox cars. I proceeded to immediately sit down and play with them.

I was in proximity a few magnets I also uncovered and I was suddenly seized by an incredible idea.

Idea: Why don't we magnetize front and rear bumpers with opposite charges so that it would be impossible to rear end each other. Since the magnetic forces would repel each other before they could have contact.

I proceeded to build a model highway with my new invention and it soon proved problematic since now cars passing in the opposite direction tended to attract each other and cause head on collisions.

I am guessing they would also tend to be pulled off the road into objects like traffic lights and guard rails.

Oh well back to the drawing board.


Harley said...

Oh and it sounded so promising to start with!
Never mind....!

Bill From Gainesville said...

Dude, give it up, they already figured out forcefields I saw it on Star trek.

Tara said...

LOL...It did sound like a good idea!

Kyra said...

I was thinking about all the people who would have their pacemakers fail when they walked by, or have bolts in their legs - attached to the cars in a parking lot trying to call 911 to get help. ;)

Rocketstar said...

In theory it is a great idea but the magnetic force is way to weak compared to the inertia of a car, as you know and I assume this was a bit tongue in cheek but it was funny to imagine you taping magnets to little matchbox cars and testign it out. I had a killer matchbox car collection and i don't know what happened to it.

Muffy Willowbrook said...

Wow! it started off as a great idea though. How would people parallel park?

Keep at it, Brian. One of these days, an idea will stick!


Travis Erwin said...

And towing would suck.

Maggie Moo said...

From a very little age I thought this should be in place-magnets to separate us while driving. Then I saw a grocery cart wheel its way over to a car b/c of the wind and I realized that everything would be attracted to the cars.

Still, I think it's a cool idea...

Anonymous said...

OMG, I'm laughing out loud at my desk!

Why don't you try bubble wrap instead and see how that pans out.

scargosun said...

Time on your hands?

h*dizzle said...

i ama girl i never had matchbox cars so i cant comment on this post ;)

Anonymous said...

this is why real cars are not magnetized.
because, evidently, head-on collisions are frowned apon.

JLee said...

I actually saw something on the Discovery Channel that was a similar concept, where cars would stay a certain distance apart, so who knows about the near future? Of course some dipshits would ruin it somehow, right? ha

Kristi said...

Awe, you're so cute.