Monday, June 23, 2008

Weekend ReCap


Drinks @ IKES

Drinks @ Tailgate


Read: The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal, by Jarod Diamond. Rocket, this replaces The Red Queen at the top of my list. I absolutely ate this book up. While there was not a whole lot of new material that I learned, however, their is something about Jarods style that fires my brain. Out of this book I have 22 notes to follow-up on and 12 pages of thoughts and theories that I had never thought about and a different angle to explore. There are a few things in here that I am still jacked up about two days later. I love it. There will probably be quite a few posts that will come out of this research. For those who have read his book Guns, Germs and Steel the last for chapters will be repeats and for those who haven't start with this one.

Cleaned out my Garage.

Went to the Richfield Farmers Market

Watched: Fools Gold...Save your money this one sucked.

Was in a minor fender bender with a bitch neighbor.

Chopped part of my thumb off.



Cooked Sunday Dinner, Fillet, Asparagus, Potatoes, Salad.

Drank a piture of homemade sangria:)


Anonymous said...

I agree with the Fool's Gold.. no one should ever watch that movie.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm....Sangria and filet? You are spoiled. :)

Muffy Willowbrook said...

a minor fender bender AND you chopped off part of your thumb?

I'd say sangria and a filet was definitely in order.

Rocketstar said...

Dude, thanks for the book, I am adding it to my wish list right now. YOu mentioned it along with the Red Queen, so it has to be great.

So I see chopped off part of your thumb but I don't see putting the chopped off part back on? Don't chiop onions when drunk. ;o)

h*dizzle said...

i agree homemade sangrias are the best!

Im in Richfield all the time! my dad grew up there and I still have relatives out there !

I didn�t know they had a farmers market. wow

where are these places you are drinking at? i usually hang around Dinkytown..duh!

Lauren Elizabeth said...

So, where's the piece of your thumb now?

Kristi said...

We watched Fools Gold on Friday. If it weren't for the eye candy (Kate Hudson & Matthew Mc....) that movie would have been a total shitter.

Bill From Gainesville said...

I think a picture of half your thumb is in order .... I remember the time I complained about burning myself (someone accidently touched my hand with a lit cigarette, but I made it out like I had 80 percent burns over my whole body cause its just funny to exaggerate?)

Sorry Beautiful said...

word to Sangria!