Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Blogger Feature and My Final Words

There is a recent feature of blogger that lets you schedule posts to be published in the future. I can write something today and have it published a week from now no matter where in the world I am....if I am even still in the world.

It gave rise to a morbid thought.

It gives me the ability to insure one final communication from me in the case of my sudden death.

I can write my all of my secrets, my last words, my farewell, my thanks, my thoughts, and have it set to be published in the future. Every time I get close to that date I just readjust the time for further in the future.

My last words, my testament, my own eulogy delivered by me.

Just waiting in the wings for me to not be there to move the date.

A game of chicken with the unknown end of my life.

What would you say if you had to give your own eulogy...

Hopefully you will have to wait a long time to see mine...


Unknown said...

I wouldn't divulge too much but write personal letters to those important to me and tell them how much I love them. Also that I was not scared to die, in the case of an abrupt death. To encourage them and communicate that death is just a part of life and how important it is to live while you are alive.

Rocketstar said...

Just don't forget to push that date out. But that is a great idea.

Lauren Elizabeth said...

That's a little morbid, Brian. Good idea though, I think it is hard for people to come to terma with their own death.

Travis Erwin said...

That is a great idea and one I'd never thought of

Kyra said...

Waaaay too morbid. My husband knows to just delete my entire blog. :)

Thomas said...

Here's my eul for you, B-man:

Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
Though he doesn't believe in God
In Brian we trust.

Bill From Gainesville said...

Wow, I sort of thought of the same thing, Only I didnt think of it with the constantly setting it out into the future stuff, I was thinking if I were to Kill myself, that is how I would write my suicide note. ( I am not thinking of killing myself at all, I was just thinking about the feature itself...) anyways you added another little twist That would be awesome and it would freak out the people in this world that loved you.... its like talking from the dead. -- I am pretty sure some suicidal blogger is going to do that....I konw if I was going to commit suicide I would do it that way.

Robin said...

Hmm..My eulogy?

Congregation, please remember me a woman who had a a hot body before having kids and continued to have it after them..

Everything else I would say is just secondary.

h*dizzle said...

haha i was going to say ... i LOVE this feature!! i discovered it a few weeks ago and have secretly been utilizing it! hahah wow