Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Grow a Pair....

One of the primal slams that is uttered between men is the slang term, "Grow a pair." Meaning be a man, or be assertive and go after what you want.

Incidentally it is usually used for a macho form of manipulation to get you to actually do what someone else wants you to. Having the opposite effect. If you actually do what someone wants you to do after they say this to you your pair actually shrinks since they have manipulated you into being less assertive and into doing what they want you to do.

Attacking your manhood in exchange for stealing your time.

Now it is not always used as such and some people do need a little prodding to be more assertive in living their life but then who am I to decide where that line is for someone else? This is why I never say such things.

The hyper extreme of this is elephantiasis where one person always try's to bully everyone else into doing what they want to. Huge nuts that makes it hard for them to be around and people to get close to since you never quite know when they are going to pop.

I think I will just stay with my regular nuts the ones I can maintain by doing what I want most of the time, but not being beyond compromise for the ones I hold dear.

(PS. Why are you looking at my nuts anyways?)

(PSS. Nuts are not very attractive and growing a pair or making them bigger is probably not a good idea from a date-ability standpoint.)


Laura said...

I must admit, I am particularly guilty of this - particularly if the guy in question is being a total woman.

Thomas said...

You are wise beyond your years, young man.

scargosun said...

My fave is "Ask your wife/gf/mom for your balls back."

Muffy Willowbrook said...

Huge nuts do nothing for me.

Rocketstar said...

I can't stand machismo.

Anonymous said...

There are only a few things huge nuts are good for. But I don't think they're all (big or small) unattractive.

Robin said...

Eloquently stated.

Anonymous said...

I've got a pair, but they are higher on my body!