Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Jello Shot to the Heart

Recently I was at a party surprise, surprise. When suddenly appeared the crowning glory of all parties trying to relive the glory days of college well into our thirties....The Jello Shot.

I sucked mine down after a brief toast that I forgot the moment after I heard it and prepared to arc it across the room into the waste basket, when I suddenly stopped and got really sad.

The trash bin was already over flowing with little plastic cups and it suddenly occurred to me that this little cup that brought me .00002 seconds of joy was going to be littering a land fill for close to million years. Hardly seems like a fair trade.

Imaging a world where China and India have the economic capacity to be just as careless with the environment as I am.

Billions of little plastic cups covering the earth forever.

My heart actually hurt looking at that waste bin.

And I know I have taken my last jello shot.

For those of you who are curious I did not throw that cup out. I brought it home and it is sitting on my mantel.


h*dizzle said...

hahaha wow!!!

but i def feel ya on reliving the college days. i remember when i was at a party here i was convinced by others to do a keg stand..yeah i hadnt done one of those since soph year in college..only a few years but still.those few years are like a lifetime!

Rocketstar said...

Your last jello shot, seriously?

Brianinmpls said...

Well maybe not last I went home and started experimenting last night.

Picture this a jello-shot maker (Similar to a muffin pan) with little paper cups that would decompose. I actually made some in a muffin pan last night to see how it would work. Now I just need to find a couple companies to see how much the would charge me for a pattern and production.

Sornie said...

We've actually gone as far as to cut out the cups all together and make the jello shots in a cake pan and just eat strips of the delicious, alcoholic jello. Yes, we are heathens.

Anonymous said...

I think they already make biodegradeable cups don't they? I think you can find them at Whole Foods... unless I'm totally thinking of the wrong thing, but I think they do!

You know, you don't want to give up the jello shot for God's sake!!

Robin said...

We use these things called suck & blow tubes when we have parties or have friends over. Great way to enjoy jello shots while not hurting the environment. Props to you!

you can get them at

By the way, you're never too old to have a jello shot!

Sherry said...

I've never done a jello shot. But good for you for going green!

lauren said...

Jello shots make me want to vomit. Something about the texture of the jello and burn of the alcohol as it slides down the hatch. I have to chew them. I know, it's a weird compulsion.

scargosun said...

Wow. Good point. They do make biodegradable cups. I wouldn't leave a full blown shot in there but a jello shot might be ok.

Muffy Willowbrook said... save the cup so someday your grandkids can someday throw it in a landfill becuz they'll think you're a bafoon for saving a plastic cup over a jello shot?

Anonymous said...

Very interesting post, Brian.
I often think about a post-apocalyptic world where small and large predators crawl over falling-out man-made fences, no longer needed, just a bizarre hindrance.
Then again, we've created lots of niche apartments for spiders and such, with our undertakings.
Best, 90hazelnut

Anonymous said...

What about little dixie cups? Those decompose. I bet you could find some made 50% from recycled materials too. I've just eaten a bowl of alcoholic jello, all of us with spoons. We assume the booze kills any germs in there.

The only difference between college and adult jell-o shots? Sugar-free jello for our waistlines.

Travis Erwin said...

Long live the jello shot!

JLee said...

NOOO, don't give up jello shots! Just recycle ;)

Cathy De Los Santos said...


ghetto princess said...

We don't have jello shots here in Oz, so Ive never really tried them. We mostly tend to go on pub crawls organised by the lecturers or head of school (each school has their own program director or head eg. medical radiology, physiotherapy, engineering etc)thru out uni where you have to pay for alcohol at each venue, rather then go to parties. I like jello tho, we call it jelly.

Ma said...

what about ice cube trays - and toothpicks or something? why does the jello have to be inside a container... can't you just make a tray of them and trust that people's hands aren't completely grubby and nasty all over everyone else's shots?