Friday, August 29, 2008

Alternative Use for Mr. Yuck Sticker #67432

When ever I get the tour of someone's house for the first time I can't help be get grossed out when we stop by their home office or see where their computer resides. The first thing that comes to my mind is, "so this is where they rub one out." (This can get even creepier mentally depending on the attractiveness of your host as you actually picture them rubbing it out)

They do it right there in that chair that has never been cleaned. Full of ass juice, butt sweat, pubic hair and what ever else happened to fall off their body as they make rhythm to the buffering images of porn that flash across their monitor.

No, I do not want to sit in that chair and look at the newest thing you found on u-tube. Not without some bleach and plastic.

I know everybody does it....even most of you ladies...but I cant help thinking that until peoples hygiene and cleaning standards catch up to the trans. rate of their high speed modems that there should be a Mr. Yuck sticker placed right there in the middle of your home office.


Sornie said...

I don't think I'll ever even go near anyone's home computer again -- especially a few people I know.

Muffy Willowbrook said...

Only YOU would think of that....

Ick. I swear - I've never.

scargosun said...

The way your mind works scares me at times and also illuminates...just as scary.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... I think this falls in the category of "someone's gotta say it."

Just because we don't talk about these things in polite society doensn't mean it doesn't happen. Good for you for exposing the truth!

Of course, I'll be looking at all my friends differently from here on out...

Sarah said...

am i the only person who doesn't get the allure of internet porn?

Maggie Moo said...

I don't have an office...I use my computer in my living room...on the couch, on the chair...on the floor...


Ma said...

no sarah - you are not the only one

~Sheila~ said...

I would be keeping an eye on any overnight visiting guests who mention that they may need to use my computer at night.

And maybe even line my keyboard with Saran Wrap.