Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Double "0" Times Up

Roulette Wheel of Life

On my way to work yesterday a few cops went screaming by me along with an ambulance. I admit as selfish as this sounds I was a little annoyed that we all had to pull over and let them pass because I was running a little late for a meeting. They all stopped about a mile up ahead and as I got closer I could see there was a pretty bad accident where a truck had t-boned a car in the intersection.

An intersection I go through 6 times a days.

For the rest of the day I couldn't help thinking that life is a big roulette wheel. The metallic ball bouncing along its brine. Getting closer. Going slower. Eventually with enough spins it lands on your number like this truck landed on this car.


Robin said...

Remind me not to play roulette the next time I'm down at the Strip.

Sornie said...

Wow, for the first thing I read this morning, this is a bit of a downer but it does make one think.

h*dizzle said...

uhmmmmmmm yeah i feel the same way sometimes. then i think about the jerks who dont pull over and im like wow...i hope its not a real emergency!hehe

Thomas said...

Very profound, Brian. You've hit upon one of the great truths of life.

Muffy Willowbrook said...

On the positive side, if you had been on time for that meeting - you could have been in that intersection when the truck came through.

Rocketstar said...

It's the Death Lottery my brother.

Tara said...

Definitely puts things in perspective.

Maggie Moo said...

Yup. Indeed.

That was a really intelligent comment, huh?

;) Glad it wasn't you.

Ma said...

another good reason to start riding your bike to work - come on man, join the club!!!

Bill From Gainesville said...

Randomness is a bitch isnt it?

just a girl... said...

I have never liked roulette. But for some reason this post was deep. I think I am going to make a new blog called posts that are deep. lol have a great day