Friday, November 14, 2008

Smile:) - Product Idea #25412 White Out for Teeth

I was looking at an ad yesterday and I realized what has been holding me back from being successful all of these years…..Bright White Straight Teeth!

I wonder if I could invent a tooth polish…kind of a combination between nail polish and white out that I could use to paint the coffee, wine and tar stains from my teeth?

Then I would surely be a success in more ways then one.


Laura said...

I am a big fan of white teeth. Or actually, I should say that I am a big fan of clean teeth.

Not everyone has naturally pearly whites and some of the results that come from artificially whitening teeth are just terrifying.

just a girl... said...

I actually think you need to hurry and copyright this post, thats a great freaking idea. Ta ta I moving on to shitty weather now.

Rocketstar said...

It is a good idea but as the dream killer, here are the issues I see.

The needed R&D needed is huge to ensure:
It looks good and natural
It is non toxic
It sticks to teeth and won't chip off when eating ice, candy etc...
It doesn't taste like anything

But I'd use it.

Ma said...

just go to the dentist Brian - they can buff the stains off and throw some braces on.. hehe

SS+1 said...


Robin said...

Gargle with some hydrogen peroxide. It works. No seriously, it does. It'll whiten them up. Just don't swallow.

Far said...

id be willing to try this nail polish white out mix ... just sayin

houstonmacbro said...

So many things holding back our success. That 10-20 lbs that EverCleanse promises to rid our colons of, the occasional zit that Proactive promises to make disappear, and now this!

Anonymous said...

They have some that you paint on--at least back in the day I used to use it when I smoked like a chimney.