Monday, March 16, 2009

Weekend ReCap


Fixed my leaking ass shower. (This has only been leaking for about 7 months)

Went to Happy Hour @ Tailgate ....was passed out in bed by


Read The Dog Owners Manual by David Brunner well cause I am getting a dog and want to research it prior to getting one. Interesting book and format although I would not recommend it for dog training.

Culture Day

Russian Art Museum I figured since I can walk there it is probably time that I actually go inside and check it out. It was pretty cool although the stamp exhibit was probably lost on me.

Checked out Spill the Wine it was pretty good:)Which is good since I still have a few Strib Deal Vouchers left for

Grumpy's for some cocktails.

ALoft WXYZ for some hungry hippo and cocktails you have to love a place that has hungry hippo on the table for you and I think it helps keep the cheese dick ratio much lower then the W.


Homework city...doubling up on classes is killing me!!

Watched Milk


Rocketstar said...

Watched MILK, is it already a a rental?

Brianinmpls said...

Yeah i think it just came out last Tuesday. It is amazing how fast they go to DVD now.

BORGHY said...

what kind of dog you getting?

Brianinmpls said...

Probably a chocolate lab

Jenn'fer said...

You had a leaking ass shower? Does that mean you have a shower just for your ass? Sounds like something Rocket would enjoy! ;<)

Anonymous said...

Be prepared for psycho activity and lots of chewing. Just to clarify, I am talking about the dog.

Sounds like you had an awesome weekend. I've always been meaning to run by that Russian museum. And hungry hippo is AWESOME. :)