Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Man

Been thinking about the man lately and are you ready for this? This might be left field cause this is a drunken post. To the point that I am actually having to concentrate on the keys to type.

The man does not exist. The illusion of the man is creation of the collective population. In our inability to accecpt responsibility for our lives for our station, it is some one else's fault someone who has control....people only have the power that we surrender to them.
The people or manifestation that we often associate with the "man" the CEO, the dictator, the pope, god, the behind the scenes business man with an agenda are the people who understand the strenth and weakness of human beings the best and use that understanding of people to enrich themselves. They are not villains but rather they are acute students of human nature.

We are all our own wizard of oz....instead of looking up the food chain for a handout for an apology lets roll up our sleeves and look to the people who are standing shoulder to shoulder with us....we are in control of our own destiny.

I am responsible for my life and need to motivate, discipline and reward I need to light a fire under my own ass...that is all


Brianinmpls said...

PS....never mess with your settings on your template when you are drunk....

Anonymous said...

Oh my god were you really drunk allready when you wrote (posted) this at 7 in the morning!

Brianinmpls said...

lol...not at seven....or well maybe a little. I was when I wrote it last night...I always proof then publish in the morning what I wrote the night

A delay that has helped me immensely

Sarah said...

was totally wondering the same thing. ha ha. good plan though.

Rachel said...

It's pretty coherent for a drunk post. Good job.

Brianinmpls said...

I have moments of lucid thought even in the flamable fog that is the breath of my

but seriously I am dragging bottom today

Sarah said...

brian, you crack me up. seriously.

Rocketstar said...

Brian, you are 100% wrong, there is "the man" and I AM THE MAN!

So sit down, shut up, follow directions and stop thinking.

Seriously, I agree 100%, we are all our own gods, we all drive our own boats.

Yes, some people have an outboard motor and some have paddles due to the location/situation in which they were born into, but we all are still the captain of our vessel.

dawnmarie said...

*got stuck with only pne oar and it was borken and gives me splinters*

dawnmarie said...

and it looks like I was drunk when I commented...

Rachel said...

I think I got stuck with an inflatable raft that has a slow leak.

Brianinmpls said...

I got this sweet one called the titanic

dawnmarie said...

at least you're going down in style, bri.

Rocketstar said...


LOL! Titanic, LOL!

lauren said...

Hooray for drunk posts. I agree with you. "The Man" is someone we created because we often have difficulty accepting responsibility for our own actions. We need someone else to blame. Maybe you should post drunk more often (though since its my first time here, maybe you do and I just didn't scroll down far enough!)

Brianinmpls said...

Welcome Lauren

I do often

Anonymous said...

the words fly freely from the mouth of the man... I have to agree somewhat, but I think it's easier for you to say all this considering....