Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Lord of the Rings

Aren't wedding rings fun? A self imposed dowry to show your love. Anything less that a carat means you don't care about the other person. Do wedding rings matter? They are only as good as the person wearing them. So can't we just have trust and do away with the modern version of branding our breeding rights on each other with platinum bands of precious stones. Commitment and love is shown through actions. Though promises kept not ones just made. I have my doubts whether I will ever wear one again, that is not to say that I would never be in a commitment relationship mind you, just that I have begun to reject the cookie cutter dogmatic pattern for my life. Not sure I fully know what that means yet but I am working on it.


Anonymous said...

matching tatoos are a way better and by far more modern way to show your undying love for a person! hehehe

Anonymous said...

this sounds oddly familiar to a dinner conversation that i have recently had. promises intended and promises kept, ill-willed intentions. well said though....i think that i'll stick with the twistie and the card board box. :)

dawnmarie said...

i want a ring. but i don't care about the size, more i care that he picks it out himself with thought.

Rocketstar said...

Right on brother, I agree 100% percent.

Women in this country have bought into the whole Diamond BS, the bigger the better.

It is a ROCK, nothing more nothing less. OK, it's a really hard and sparkly rock, but just a rock.

Rubies and Emeralds are actually more rare and harder to find than Diamonds.

Don't even get me going on how much BLOOD there is on anyone who wears most of them.

It's a racket.

Brianinmpls said...

That must have been a good dinner talk;)

Tattoos and branding nice! But should we just mark the hearts of our loved ones with good deeds? Do we really need a sign of ownership for the world to see?

Dem Soldier said...

First of all, if my future wife wants a ring, she can go and buy it...Diamond or not...Period. Never will I wear one....

Sarah said...

i had a diamond once. it was shiny. and then i gave it back, it wasn't enough. and i'm not referring to its size.

Rocketstar said...

Dem, you are the man, I would love to be there when you say that to your future wife.


dawnmarie said...

Brian, see, that's the difference, you see it as a sign of ownership, i guess i see it as a sign of committment, a public statement saying "hey, i found someone i love, and i'm committed to them, for life."

nobody is ever going to own me, married or not.

Brianinmpls said...

Good contrast Dawn I hadn't thought of it in those terms.

Dem you crack me up..lol