Saturday, July 29, 2006

What is love?

It is hard for me to say that love does not exist. Even though I explain away my impulses as nothing more than my biological need to spread my seed my selfish gene constantly trying to win at the game theory that it is solving. I know that attraction exists to further the species that the spark that I feel when two eyes connect across a room is nothing more then a biological response to the environment. A wave of electrons working in unison, but that doesn’t have to mean that it doesn’t feel good right? The truth is although school has given me some analytical tools to explain what is happening it hasn’t diminished my desire for the feeling. I want to believe in love. A euphoric crossroads of pleasure, trust, safety, commitment, evolution and nurturing. The feeling of waking up next to somebody a million times and never tiring of the little puddle of drool on their pillow that only you get to see. Someone who makes the routine dance of your life special. The feeling of running a race that is so long and you are so tired you have tears streaming down your face. There is no energy left in you, the cheering crowd is gone, despair has filled your heart as you see an ominous hill on the horizon. You just want to stop the pain and shut it out, your will is faltering, then that hand touches yours and she whispers into your ear, “you can do it.”


Rocketstar said...

That's a perfect way of putting it.

Jess said...

Love. Who would want such a thing?

I keep hoping if I say that enough, I'll eventually believe it.

Anonymous said...

"I know that attraction exists to further the species that the spark that I feel when two eyes connect across a room is nothing more then a biological response to the environment.".... so "you know" it's "nothing more" huh? I think your brain has been filled with too much schooling - the trouble with all those scholarly science buffs is they know of no way to explain the unexplainable, the spiritual, the invisible soulful stuff that makes the world turn almost more than the axis and the pull of the moon I think - just because something can't be explained in books and understood fully doesnt mean that it doesnt exist my friend - I'm glad that "you still want to beleive"... there is hope for you afterall Mr PHD (hehehe)

Anonymous said...

maybe someday your want to beleive will turn into a do beleive?

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! What you wrote is so beautiful. It touched my heart and made me think of all the great "view's" there are in the world.