Friday, March 30, 2007

Underwear Purse

I can't help when I see people carrying this Versace purse that it looks like underwear? It looks they are on a permanent walk of shame that they are super proud of walking. There is also something about watching a woman reach into it and pull out lipstick and put it on her face it is a little disturbing (I had a flash of the Christmas poo from South Park)...It is also a touch of genius and a little hot.


Mags said...

First, I'm in awe of the fact that you know a Versace purse when you see it. Do you have a lot of girl friends, or are you just in touch with your girlie side?

And also, what's wrong with a the walk of shame?!?

Brianinmpls said...

I think 90% of my friends happen to be To boot I have an extra special amazing woman in my life who has taught me the finer points of fashion and a love and appreciation of, the hills, work-out, the Real World and other such cultural events.

So now I can not only genetically modify the drosophila melanogaster I can also have a 15 minute discussion on the stitching differences and design elements between handbag designers...As you can imagine I am a riot at cocktail parties;)

Brianinmpls said...

PS nothing is wrong with the walk of shame;)

the Book of Keira said...

I followed you here from Thomas's blog.... you can be my next victim to harrass.

What to say about this purse.....

Does it feature a skidmark??? That would be icky.

Also, watching a woman pull a tampon or a dildo out of it would be more fun than watching her pull out lipstick.

Or, a rabbit would be fun, too.

Rocketstar said...

Hey who doesn't love PANTIES? The word, the actual physical object....


Sarah said...

panties is an icky word. and that's an icky panty purse.

Brutus said...

I made a purse out of a pair of jeans once. I used a pair of my neice's jeans because - well, if I'd used a pair of my own, it would be more like a suitcase than a purse. But hey, I had my day; let the kids have theirs.