Friday, June 29, 2007

Patio Pissing Match

As a smoker forced out of the AC into the heat of the streets and patios of establishments by Minneapolis's smoking ban, I tell you I take a small amount of pleasure stinking up the outdoors for all of the uppity people who like to sit outside.

I find it ironic and pleasurable that I sit along the very people responsible for kicking me outside and blowing my smoke in their j-crew framed faces.

I know I am a prick


Thomas said...

Sucks to be in the minority, doesn't it? Hang in there. Your time will (has) come. Have a powerful weekend!

Maggie Moo said...

I don't wear J-Crew. But I don't smoke either.

It's icky. If we're gonna make out when we meet, you'll have to be smoke free. K?

Thomas said...

I agree with Mags. If you want to "do" her, you're gonna need to be completely smoke-free and if you ever want to marry her, then you're gonna need to quit smoking. It's only fair. If you continue smoking, then you'll most likely die before she will and I would think you would want to spend as much time with her as possible since this life might be all you get.

the Book of Keira said...

See, now.... I will let you smoke and we can make out all day long. Shit, you can even smoke WHILE we make out.

I think we know, now, who is winning this "get in Brian's pants" race we seem to be having.

It's me. It has to be me.

Anonymous said...

just quit smoking already!! it's really not that hard in 100 degree plus heat!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you! I hate all the non-smokers in the world ;)

Colette said...

I feel your pain Brian. It could be worse. You could be in Charleston. Then it's 100 degrees with 99% humidity. So not only are you dying of heat, you're losing weight from sweating. LOL

Sherry said...

This is incredibly funny to me because I intentionally blew smoke in my neighbor's window last night after she left me a nasty note about my son peeing on the fence.

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