Friday, June 15, 2007

Prayer Group

I was recently added to a Prayer group at church where apparently a group of church elders sits around and prays for things to happen like people getting rid of illness and demons etc.

I must admit I find the process quite amusing. A group of people think they can join forces and bully God into changing things. Perhaps draw his attention to something he over looked in his divine wisdom. It would almost seem to me as an outsider that this very act belittles Gods divinity reducing him to a bumbling repairman who needs some regulation on behalf of followers.


Thomas said...

You said it, Brian. That's why even though I believe in God, I never pray. I have faith that She knows what's going on and will get 'er done without any prompting from me.

Paige said...

i am terribly cinfused by religion as a whole

the Book of Keira said...

This is a great way of thinking about

Anonymous said...

Hmmm you must not be the only one blowing this rough patch out of proportion... since when do you go to church anyways, especially enough to get prayer groups involved - wow, we really do need to get caught up.... I'm free the 26th and 29th (haha makes me sound so terribly socially active doesnt it?)

Maggie Moo said...

I am just surprised to hear you go to church.

Brianinmpls said...

lol...hell no I don't go to church. I was just told by someone that they added me to their prayer group at church in hopes that God would sew his love into my wicked heart...I almost felt bad laughing in her

Rocketstar said...

Prayer, How to do nothing and still think you are helping.

Anonymous said...

You got placed on the prayer list, AGAIN????