Wednesday, June 13, 2007

This Light Post

Last night I did one of my favorite things, I climbed into a swing I have in my back yard and put my legs up and just rocked.

It is how I define the meaning of peace and relaxation. Just sitting there, thinking.

I was watching the wind blow through the trees and the light post in the alley sway ever so slightly. For some reason I compared it in my mind to a tooth rocking back and forth in a socket until it just falls out. Like rain that eventually will defeat the hardest steal drop by drop if given enough time.

These things will out out live me, but even as I get ready to depart I take some sad serenity that even though their span here is greater then mine...they will all succumb eventually...


Everything disappears with enough time.


Anonymous said...

Ok this is kinda creepy - where the hell are you departing to?

Thomas said...

You're gonna live longer than you think. However, nature is, indeed, quite calming and even better to experience when you're not thinking at all.

Mags said...

It really is a shame you live all the way in MN. I think we would be grand friends.

We could rock in the yard together and feel the wind on our faces, and contimplate all things...

With beer. And Hard Johnsons. And good food.

Erin said...

Somber, but true... hope you thought about how beautiful everythign was instead of just dying one day :)

Brianinmpls said...

Thanks goodness I have so many beautiful people in my life to remind me that:)

the Book of Keira said...

I want a Hard Johnson in me right now, damn it.