Thursday, June 28, 2007

Your Friend Walks into a Bar

Q.) Here is the situation. I have two guy friends who had a dispute that turned really ugly and I am just wondering what you think. Friend A. is married he has three kids but has a really hard crush on a bartender at a tavern we go to. Friend B is single and had relations with the bartender that A. has a crush on recently.

When A found out what B had done it turned into a fight...broken noses, cut eyes, kind of fight.

Now I am curious what you think. I held A down and told him he was way out of line for hitting B. People who knew the situation who were also present said I was a pig for taking B.'s side.

What do you think? Who is in the wrong?


Maggie Moo said...

Friend A is married and he is the pig for getting in a fight about a woman other than his wife.

Friend B is fine b/c he's single.

You are hot.

the Book of Keira said...

You know... it's one thing to flirt innocently with people, but it's a whole nother deal to beat someone's ass over another woman.

Friend A is being fucked up... irst, for disrespecting his wife and kids in this way and second for letting a woman come between him and his friend.

Hitting him was just insane.

Don;t consider it taking B's side... the next person who critizises you for that you need to respond with, "I'm not taking B's side... I'm taking the side of A's wife and kids."

Maybe that would shut them up.

Brianinmpls said...

Thats what I said...but they were like B. knew he liked her and instigated the event...and I was like so what he is married I don't care who he likes...

Erin said...

Why the hell would A get mad at B for having relations with the bartender?? I don't care if he "liked" her or not - the guy is freaking married! Also - your friends are the pigs in this situation getting mad at you for standing up for B - THAT guy is not married! Your friends I'm gathering are single as well - am I correct? Not too many married men would understand that at all, and would never side with the married guy. Unless of course it was my husband who would have already slept with said bartender and 3 of her closest friends :)

Ma said...

I dont think it's a matter of A B or even C here... the problem seems to be too much testosterone and most likely too many of your infamous "hard johnsons"(haha). I wonder how this bartender is feeling? What about these two (or one?) jerks does she find appealing - if anything? What the hell's wrong with her? This whole situation sounds way too creepy and validates any reason I've ever had to not want to get married ever.... what a creep that "A" guy was. I really hope you tell his wife and children about the situation. They deserve better. I mean it's one thing to have a harmless little crush on a bartender while you're married with children, but to go around punching people out because of it makes me believe this guys got MAJOR problems. Sorry to talk lots of smack about your supposed friend, but....

Anonymous said...

Ok so I'd like to know what "A" said to his wife about why he got into a fight with "B"!!!

When a friend is married, it absolutely vetos the friend rule about not dating a friends crush. This rule ESPECIALLY applies to friend "B" who is single!!!

Anonymous said...

I think any upstanding guy should try to break up a fight between his friends- and I agree that you were sticking up for the wife and kids (who you are probably friends with too) and the rule is "negated" when you get married...if he wants to mess around he should at least be discreet! If I were the bartender chic I would feel like a piece of meat- as if her feelings on who she wanted to be with didn't matter, and lose interest in either one of them.

Paige said...

brian i have to agree with mags on all yummy thing you. and friend a is a pig. punch him in the throat for me next time you see him

Maggie Moo said...

Good morning my sexy cyber lover.

How are you today? ;)

Colette said...

Friend A is an asshole. I don't know about getting in the middle by telling friend A's wife, unless you're friends with her too.

Friend B could have just kept his mouth shut about it, unless it was the bartender that told friend A.

Either way, you did the right thing. But ultimately I feel bad for the wife of friend A and the bartender. What an ASSHOLE!

Sarah said...

they're both wrong for all the obvious reasons, marriage, the 'rules', etc. but as others have said, friend A was way more wrong.

you were the only one who was right, in my opinion.