Monday, July 23, 2007

Good-Bye Again

When you are leaving someones home and say good-bye but don't end up leaving right away how much time has to go by before you say good-bye again?

I was leaving a friends house this weekend and said good bye to the host first and then did my rounds saying good bye to everyone else. About 10 minutes went by before I actually stepped out the door by-passing the host who said," Aren't you going to to say good-bye again?" It was said in a tone that in no way could be mistaken that by not saying it twice I had offended her. She also said again so I know she registered the first one....

Just wondering if there is a rule of thumb I can follow on this so it doesn't happen again.


the Book of Keira said...

There is no rule of thumb. That woman was being fucking retarded.

Ma said...

I usually just yell goodbye to everyone from the door way and do a giant "parade wave" across the whole room to be sure not to miss anyone... not very personalized, but you cover all your bases that way (if you really want to personalize things just say to people in your "pre-goodbye" conversation that you're getting ready to leave instead of that you are leaving?? that way you don't have to bolt out the door right after you finish your goodbye as not to offend anyone who may be acting a bit retarded - haha)

Rocketstar said...

One goodbye is plenty, I can't imagine that the host was saying it in anything but gest... i hope.

Maggie Moo said...

Kyra took the words right out of my mouth.

Colette said...

Leave it to Kyra and Mags. I always play it safe with a "Ok, I'm really leaving now, later everyone." There now little miss panties in a bunch can move on with her night. ;-)