Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Happily Never After

Why do we all feel like we are entitled to a happy ending?

Especially when you are like me and know you don't deserve it?

Sometimes I feel like the movie click
Hitting the euphoric fast-forward button
Of the track that is my life
Happiness in a race to the finish
Only to be broken
By the sight of the end
And the lack of a re-wind button


the Book of Keira said...

Let's have some sex.

Thomas said...

What's rewind mean? I watch DVD's and listen to CD's, but they don't have any such functions on them. *shrugs shoulders*

Rocketstar said...

"Why do we all feel like we are entitled to a happy ending?"
----I don't think this mentality is so much an international one, but an American one. The whole white picket fence BS.

The goal should be happiness but we are NOT ENTITLED to anything. Entitltement is a plague that curses this country.

In the end, one tries to pave as much path in thier road of life but sometimes some other asshole creates a pothole in your path that you can't swerve away from, bastards.

Hey, tell your sister that I'll be getting in touch with her soon. No, not hat kind of touch you dirty devil, I'm married. Shout out to Thomas on that one.

Ma said...

really Brian - I think it's time for a lifting of your spirits.... the blogs have been oh so down in the dumps lately, what would help you to believe you deserved happiness too? or are you really the big ole scum bag you seem to be considering yourself to be lately?

Erin said...

You are so going to get that happy ending!! And I totally love the post - I think we ALL are entitled to a happy ending... it's better than thinking of the alternative :)

Brianinmpls said...

Rocket: Yeah give her a call;)

Thomas: Can you believe I am an english major too?

108: Any time:)

Ma: I am working on rounding the corner I see the light:)

EC: You want to give me a happy ending?