Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Recipe for Disaster

How to drive someone crazy in a few easy steps....

1.) Make sure they can not sleep. Either through use of noise, fear or stress

2.) Make sure that they are not eating well...diets high in sugar and fats work the best. This is best accomplished by making sure they don't have enough money to eat well.

3.) Turn the heat up to 94 degrees and offer no relief from the blistering sun

4.) Take away the security of someones home through foreclosure

5.) Flood the neighborhoods with booze and drugs and watch it come apart by the seems...

Here is the Minneapolis Foreclosure Map

Here is the shoots fired report from this week...

I wonder what the tipping point for the collapse of our civilization is?


Anonymous said...

You've been tagged.

Participate if you'd like, but I know how some people feel about memes so no offense if you dont! ;)

the Book of Keira said...

Criminals are rarely humans born but often machines built with human hands.

Thomas said...

I'm glad you don't live down here, Brian, because if you did that to me, you would be a real pain in my assholes.