Thursday, November 29, 2007

30 Seconds Impressions

It is amazing what you can tell about someone in 30 seconds or less

How are they dressed? Where they shop? What image they are trying to project?

How is there body? In shape? Not? What is emphasized? What is hidden?

Hair cut? Lotion? Scent?

How are their nails? Bitten? Cut? Manicured?

Posture? Good? Bad? Body Language? Facial expressions?

Tone and pitch? Word choice? Hand shake? The space between you?

The infamous first impression waiting to betray us....our fears, desires, anxiety all packaged for the world to see..wrapped in a bow we hope the owners will be gentle in opening.

Or a bow we make so outrageous so hideous no one wishes to untie us...

What does your impression betray about you?


Tara said...

I get a lot of folks who seem to think I am a lot more passive and meek than what I really am. I tend to be a bit more quiet when I meet people than what I actually am once I know someone.

Maggie Moo said...

People who are really good at this sort of thing can see that I'm really nervous and shy. But most people think I'm outgoing and happy and smiley. I'm just good at faking it.

Muffy Willowbrook said...

People automatically assume I was dropped as a baby.

Erin said...

I tend to get a lot of people thinking that I'm a loud obnoxious get in your face kind of girl. Huh, I guess they are right then ;)

Rocketstar said...

good question, i don't know.

Brutus said...

I'm with Rocket. I've thought about it though. Pondered. Wondered. Still, I have no fucking clue what kind of impression I make on people.

the Book of Keira said...

I come of initially as being very quiet and sort of pensive. People have told me that I look as if I'm just sitting by observing things and taking it all in.

I am the silent intellectual...LOL.

Valley Girl said...

First impressions are everything!

lauren said...

I don't know. Maybe that I am trying to project who I want to be?

What do our blogger photos say about us?

lucidiocy said...

I hope I appear friendly; happy-go-lucky, but I have a feeling people would say I'm more intense than that.