Friday, November 30, 2007

Miracle of Conception?

There is a big ugly homage to pro-life that has been erected in the form of a billboard that I must pass now on my way to work. It reads, "Don't destroy the Miracle of Conception". (It is advocating a ban on stem cell research)

I hate this term for those of you not paying attention let me help you...Any two healthy reproductive aged animals who copulate enough times will produce offspring. It is not a is Biology 101.

I know it sounds crass but you are an organic compound created by combining amino acids.

Do we really still believe that the hand of God was helping stroking my dog as I pumping my load into you and then to top it off he crawled up your vagina and gave this new seed his kiss of life? I am a kinky guy but come on...

This is not magical it is not mystical it is hormones and statistics...


Rocketstar said...

This issue is such a load of crap. The every cell on the human body “could” be a human being with the right manipulation. So by scratching your ass, you are killing THOUSANDS of POTENTIAL human beings.

The Stem cells that are used have approx 150 cells in them, that it. The Brain of a Fly has over 100 MILLION cells. Now to say that a stem cell sitting in a perti dish has the same intrinsic value as a living human being that could be saved by stem cell research is just plain ridiculous. These are the same assholes that stand above people dying in Africa of AIDS and tell them that the use of condoms is immoral.

Jess said...

I always wonder why they use such ugly babies on those anti-abortion billboards.

Look, if there's a chance in Hell any kid I would pop out would look like that one, I'm taking that bun out of the oven post-haste.

the Book of Keira said...

Two of my children were concieved while I was on birth control. If it's a miracle, god needs to take a vacation :-)

Ma said...

where's the magic in biology! I'll tell you this much - I know alot more about magic.... and it's more fun! I like to think that some magical force brought me & my son together - not just that it was bound to happen,biologically. Does that make me a big sap who believes in hocus pocus? If so - I'm totally fine with that..... I just don't think the magic comes from the overgrown robed hand from the sky - not sure where yet, but that's the fun part!

Maggie Moo said...

Actually...I kinda do. But, you knew that already, right?


There's a blogger named Segue that a while back wrote a post on Stem Cell stuff, and he used an analogy with trees and acorns. It was actually the best argument I've heard.

Sarah said...

"Do we really still believe that the hand of God was helping stroking my dog as I pumping my load into you and then to top it off he crawled up your vagina and gave this new seed his kiss of life? I am a kinky guy but come on..."

fucking sick, dude.

Dem Soldier said...

lol @ Sarah..

Man, I have a friend who's fisty about this sh*t...If U take high-way ten there's also another one like elk river..Religion is evil, if U make it to be. Many anti-abortion are still the sh*ts who will not care about hating others like the gays, fighting wars that we have no business in, caring children after they R born, starting or stoping a newly advanced research on science, cause god said so, I some-times feel like we R living with rats, who would rather obey un-seen things for things one can see on their own f*cking eyes.