Friday, November 02, 2007

Red Dawn

After feeling the on set of a cold coming I decided to play it easy and retire to bed and watch a few movies. I pulled out one of my favorite movies growing up Red Dawn. The premise is that the US is invaded by communists and taken over. A band of high school students fleas the raid and conducts a war against the invaders from the mountains.

I couldn't help but notice a parallel for our current situation in Iraq. Say for example China decided to invade the US and reform the entire country to communism.

Would you become a "terrorist" to fight them? Plant IED's on the side of the road? Harbor other Americans who are fighting the oppressors? Now there is a certain fraction of people in the US who consider communism the way to go. China would put them on the news and say look we are giving the people what they want. But would most Americans ever stop fighting the invaders? How many years would we fight them? Would we ever just give in? Do you think the people of Iraq ever will?


Colette said...

I don't think we would ever give in. Nor with the people in Iraq. But I would definitely fight. Screw people telling me how to live. ;)

Rocketstar said...

We would fight till the death brother.

Ma said...

no one ever wins when there is war - the whole point is everyone looses
it is not a good way to solve problems... killing and hurting people is very stupid - it reminds me of my son, who is not quite 5, hitting and kicking his classmates, yes - he may win the toy he was fighting for, or the control he was seeking - but he's lost so much more in the process to really make it worth while....
we need more peaceful solutions in this world - or a bomb big enough to destroy us all
(yeah I'm kinda having a bad day - destroying the world sounds like a good idea now, but I don't really mean it)

Dem Soldier said...

till death.

Thomas said...

As long as I could still buy CD's, DVD's, have sex, and go to Friday's, I wouldn't give a shit about going communist. Make love, not war. *peace sign*

Maggie Moo said...

You think WAY too deeply for someone how's coming down with something...

Michelle's Spell said...

Hey Brian,

Good question. I don't think Americans (at least not most) are trained to fight to the death. The Vietcong were and look how we did there. I agree with the peaceful sentiments, although I am not a peaceful person in my heart and I suppose that's where most war starts.

lauren said...

I'd flee to Canada.