Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Wanted: Grinches

If you think about it the Grinch really didn't steal Christmas. He simply removed the commerical aspect of it from Whoville. Giving them the gift of knowing the true meaning of Christmas. He is not really a villain but a misunderstood hero at this point in the story.

I am actually a little conflicted about his returning the presents at the end. Wouldn't the greater gift to Whoville be that they learned that Christmas is really about Friends, Community, being together, enjoying the moment and not about who has the best presents the most gifts or the biggest feast? He actually becomes the villain as soon as he returns the gifts and allows the antiquated customs to continue.

When they are happy about the gifts and celebrate it with a feast making him the guest of honor they are saying that it is about the gifts. That is the most important thing hence his position at the head of the table. It is about the consumerism. This actually works in the Grinches favor since single people outside the mainstream can collect material things too. It proves the Grinch is right in moving from Who-ville in the first place since since community and family are secondary in happiness from collecting things.

I need a break from Who-Ville anyone else?


Ma said...

Yes! Me - I do!!!! Damned commercialism - I can't afford it, nor do I want to (well, I must admit, my failure to do so is probably what makes me fairly "Grinchy" these days...). But really though, those little Whos are so damned cute - especially little Miss Cindy Lou Who - that they sort of make me smile despite the financial disparity. Don't worry Brian, you don't have to get me anything for Christmas, I know that knowing that will take a huge amount of pressure to spend big bucks off your shoulders - haha

The Mad Hoosier said...

That's an interesting way at looking at it. I've never really looked at it other than a cartoon, but I had too disect it, I think he becomes a villian the moment that he decides to impose his will (stealing, removing commercialism, etc.) upon others.

And isn't the moment that he realizes that all the Whos are standing around the spot where the Christmas tree was, singing and enjoying each other's company, what Christmas is all about?

Then, the Grinch realizes, too, that Christmas is more than just about toys/gifts. So he decides to repent...errr...he decides to GIVE back, which is also what Christmas is to others, and not necessarily confined to physical possessions.

So when the Grinch comes back with all the gifts he stole, he's forgiven of his sins...err...he is treated to a feast, as a guest who is so giving would perhaps be. Or his honor...because they realize his change of heart and they wanted to celebrate it.

That's my take, shooting from the hip. I hope you didn't mind my jesting around with the repenting and forgiving of sins...sometimes I try to joke around to try to break the ice with people that have opposing views(ie, atheism).

Brianinmpls said...

Mad Hoosier no worries here I absolutly love debate from different points of view so you are in good company.

But by that definition every time ones will is enforsed on others makes them a villan?

Then are hurricans? Pain? Death? Proof that God is a Villan? Imposing his will in a destructive way on others?

Sarah said...

ME! i hate christmas-time consumerism.

remember when i said "Nothing says Happy Birthday, Jesus like blowing a few thousand dollars...?

and i don't even like jesus that much!

Erin said...

It's funny that we all say we hate it, yet we all buy into every single year. If the entire world would stop buying presents then we could learn the true meaning of Christmas. Eh, who am I kidding. I like the gifts :)

Mitchie said...

A few solid years in the retail industry during the holiday mayhem (greedy consumerism, to borrow today's buzz term) certainly spices up one's cynicism regarding the season of spending... err... giving. Joy, family, twinkle lights and rosy-cheeked children aside, the message is altogether lost in the shuffle of screaming toddlers forced to wait in line for department store Santa photo-ops.

Perhaps the holiday icon to debate is St. Nick himself. An overweight bearded man dressed in figure-hugging red velvet who invites children to sit atop his lap while interrogating innocents on their fantasies? Through the lens of mass paranoia (spoon-fed by intentionally terrifying media specials about the dangers of strange men, naive children, etc), why has no one considered that we worship at the altar of what in any other time of year would be seen as strange pedophilia and trespassing? Do I want someone slithering into my chimney unsupervised who demands cookies as payment in the dark of cold nights?

interesting topic, sir. and thank you for your advice re: my current dating cityscape. Apparently all that I lack is a flying pixie, some magical fairy dust, and flight plan to Never Never Land, patron home of the Lost Boys, pirates, and dreams fulfilled. Perhaps then the imaginary dream mate shall appear, no?