Sunday, January 20, 2008

20 Days!!!

Additional positive things I have noticed about not smoking....

1.) My hangovers are less severe

2.) I feel more relaxed

3.) I can go to work wearing the same outfit I passed out in the night before and it still smells good.

4.) I can do the 8 flights of stairs now no problem.

5.) My routine is changed so I am meeting new people doing different things

6.) Food tastes better


Colette said...

That's awesome Brian! After I lose the weight that is my next battle. I can only give up one vice at a time. ;) Congrats!

the Book of Keira said...

I agree with you on the food tasting better. I also noticed that I had a very powerful sense of smell. Great job!

Rocketstar said...

Keep it up hombre.

Sarah said...


Maggie Moo said...

I'm so proud of you Brian! Great job. Now that you're smoke free, we can totally make out. ;)

(And I can cook for you first b/c food tastes better!!!!)

Mitchie said...

the better-smelling-clothes thing? so true. definitely makes me envious to visit smoke-free cities and emerge from a bar sans Eau du Tobacco... which is currently still a lingering and delightful aromatic experience from last night, to be honest. Mmmm... day-old bar hair. delicious.

kudos for quitting during such a completely depressing (and entirely smoke-worthy) time of year.

Tara said...

That's great Brian!!! Keep up the good work!

Michelle's Spell said...

Keep the faith -- it's so good that you've stayed with the quitting thing! I've always heard the thing about hangovers being worse for smokers -- must be something about all those competing chemicals.

Brianinmpls said...

Thanks everybody:)

I just noticed that I have a really sexy following:)

Erin said...

Keep it up - you're doing great! I WISH I could quit, I even stared longingly at the nicorette gum last night at Wal-mart, lol... I think its time for me too :)

Kristi said...

20 days rocks. Never started smoking personally, but addictions are addictions, are they not? Good luck and keep up the good work!