Friday, January 04, 2008

Friday Clicks

Interesting Articles I'm Doing Great It's All of You Who Are F!@#ED....

Charity as a drug...I told you so ;)

P.S For my Minneapolis people is it just me or has the Star Tribune swung to the right? I can't put my finger on but just the word choice, layout, or stories or something seems to smell right wing... Like FOX secrete agents have silently killed alot of journalists and yet I felt no disturbance in the force?


Sarah said...

you talking the real deal, or the website? i am not a big fan of whatever the hell it was they changed.

Ma said...

Ooooo I'ma tell Gail you're dissin her peeps - she probably reads your blog anyways so you're BUSTED!

the Book of Keira said...

rightwingers.... shudder~~

the Book of Keira said...

rightwingers.... shudder~~

Colette said...

So I am playing catch up. No, I have not posted anything new, I don't have much to say. However, I love your blog, and have been reading. My favorite is your real life convo that ends with Bing Crosby. You rock. And thank you for thinking of me on New Year's eve!

Have I mentioned, I forgot how much I love the way you think? ;)

Anonymous said...

Never have read the Tribune. I've always been a Pioneer Press girl myself.

*Ren* said...

Don't talk shizzle about the Star Tribune;)

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the GOP convention is hosted here??