Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Things I Have Grown to Hate #245321

A few things I used to like that I can no longer stand.

U2 - An odd phenomena is happening here where my loathing seems to be backwards compatible. I used to like Joshua Tree however my present feelings have reached backwards and tainted this once liked item also, completely removing any found memories of this band.

Maroon Five - I don't know if I ever really liked them but I know I hate them now. Every time I hear his voice on the radio I want to stick something in my ear till it bleeds.

Facebook - WTF? I can''t even log in now without getting prompted to install some add-on wanting to tell me how good I am at oral sex or picking movies or some other nonsense. It has become the junkiest thing on the internet and I leave my age out there strictly so someone can find my email if they are looking for it. I don't quite loath myspace the same way because myspace was junky to start with so my expectations were already low..

Vodka Redbull - If you were at my house on Monday morning you would know why.


Muffy Willowbrook said...

RBV's - I was over these about 3 years ago. Can't stand the smell of RedBull anymore. gut-rot.

totally with you on the U2 thing, too.

the Book of Keira said...

Facebook aggravates me for the same reason.

Cathy De Los Santos said...

Slideshows ... I'm SO over those freaking slideshows on blogs, on web pages, everywhere i hate them. I don't want to have to watch the whole thing to see one damn picture. And music on blogs, don't subject me to your music picks, if i wanted to hear music I'd turn my radio on.

Anonymous said...

Oh god, I really hate U2 (the band, not you).

RRN said...

This was one of the better things I have read in a while. Loved it.

"Every time I hear his voice on the radio I want to stick something in my ear till it bleeds."

Oh man.... So well said.

Kristi said...

You make me laugh, what more can you ask for in a man? If you lived in CA we would have to train you to scrap, so you could come to our whore events. You would so fit right in....

Kelly said...

For some insane reason I always think Maroon 5 is Rob Thomas...which also makes me gag.

Everything is starting to sound the same...and I'm with Cathy don't make me listen to your shitty music or I won't visit your blog anymore.

My current #1 all the "new" cold medications. None of them work....

lucidiocy said...

Brian, this should be the meme you tag others with.

lucidiocy said...

Brian, this should be the meme you tag others with.

lucidiocy said...

Brian, this should be the meme you tag others with.

lucidiocy said...

I have no idea why that posted twice.

lucidiocy said...

Oh! it posted 3 times! 4 of me in a row. That looks ridiculous!


Hello, my name is Tamar, and I am addicted to commenting on this post.

Brianinmpls said...

lol Tamars

Michelle's Spell said...

U2 is truly vile! As for Vodka Redbull, I've never tried it and will take your word for it.

Colette said...

I still love U2, but I'm with you on Maroon 5. I used to actually like them, but I guess that's what I get for giving into a fad.

Vodka red bull..anything with red bull makes me hoark a little in my mouth. LOL