Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mall + Drinking = Bad Idea

I actually heckled a cosmetic girl and her client yesterday who was having make-up applying make-up applied to her. I have no reason why. Wait I think it had something to do with a few shots and a snotty look I kept getting from them....

So I said..

"You got get in there with that shit" "Your never going to cover all that with that light of color" "Don't be scared to do multiple coats she needs it" "You must be new at this because you are not that good"

Ok it was mean, but ti was really funny to me. The look on their face was priceless

It was funny in my head till she started crying...

Then I got kind of mad though because they were being total bitches to everyone but then as soon as the tables were turned. They pulled the crying card...


Harley said...

Brian!! Way harsh!!

The poor girl - a snotty look can be ignored but someone repeatedly telling you you're ugly is gonna get to a thin-skinned girl no matter what.. You big bully!!

Funny though..... :b

Muffy Willowbrook said...

She deserved it.

Anonymous said...

Brian dear, why were you in the cosmetic department?

Personally I hate walking through the cosmetic department... the snotty looks are always flying full force. Or maybe I'm just insecure because I can't wear make up.

Kyra said...

Were the snotty looks all that she was doing? Because, I have to agree with Kali - way too harsh.

Besides, the girls who are big on the snotty looks are the ones who are the most scared of what people will think. You probably became the literal embodiment of her worst nightmare!

(er... so what did you do when she started crying?)

Rocketstar said...

If all she did was a snotty look, way too harsh dude.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words cause permanent damage."

Was she hot? Usually only hot girls give you those snotty looks.

Brianinmpls said...

She wa pretty hot. I just kind of stood there for a second and then I laughed one of those uncomfortable laughs and then left the store in a hurry.

PurestGreen said...

That's some bad karma, Brian. Wow.

a girl said...

Well, I thought it was funny. I'm thinking the whole make-up application had to be redone when you left. Harsh, maybe...but funny, for sure.

dawnmarie said...

Squiggles! Harsh dude.

Bill From Gainesville said...

I find myself conflicted. On the one hand that was beautiful! Women don't know how hard it can be for us guys and her snotty look is not encouraging. On the other hand, it was kind of mean... I think what I am going to do is just laugh about it in my head and then maybe give an extra doller to a homeless person today.......

Colette said...

Yeah, that was pretty evil, I must say, and I'm a bitch to most other females. I don't think I would've cried if that were me, but I'm sure I would have had a few choice words for you of my own. LOL

I'm with Rocket, ask him about my life in high school. Words do leave permanent marks..even if they are from strangers.