Tuesday, March 04, 2008

OPP - Other People Pictures

I don't know why but I hate looking at other peoples pictures. If I am not in them and the people who are in them are not hot enough to fantasize about why bother looking? I don't want to see them and I don't really care. I think it is rude when people plop an album down and expect me to give a shit about their last trip to Wichita or their nieces four year old birthday party.

If you want to leave them out out and I choice to pick them up and start looking at them because I am that bored with you that is one thing but nothing gets me hotter then having an album shoved in my lap and being forced to feign interest.

In this case I am not down with OPP.

Save the pictures for Grandma. We are at a point in our lives when we should still be taking them not sitting around reminiscing so lets go out and make a memory and break the shoe box out when when are on our death beds.. but not a day sooner.

I wish we could just come to terms that what is a big deal for me might not be a big deal for you and likewise. This doesn't mean we are not friends or I don't like you. Just that I don't want to spend the little time we are together competing about who has the better life when we are apart. Sometimes I feel like that is what we do and I am done..


Anonymous said...

I have a photo album of all the HNT pics I took. That one is always fun to look at and reminisce... propping up the camera... running naked across the room to get into place... suck it in and stick it out... hold breath and wait for the flash. Good times.

Brianinmpls said...

Now that is a albumn I would def. make an exception for and love to see;)

Anonymous said...

so you only want to look at pictures of hot chicks or yourself... you are a narcissist... (well we all are)

Anonymous said...

Remember when I made that slideshow album of family pictures where no one had on pants and everyone was photoshopped into famous locations? I'm on board with this subject.

Erin said...

on the opp - omg... I couldn't agree more!!

on the last thougth you had - competing to see who has the best life is not something a friend does. If they do it, they must have some serious confidence issues that you shoudln't have to deal with. Just sayin'

a girl said...

not down with the opp...classic.

I don't like pictures at all. I don't like people taking them of me, I don't like flipping through others' albums, and I rarely take pictures on my own.

I'd rather just experience life with all of my senses than to simply experience it through a lense.

Bill From Gainesville said...

Hot chicks, Myself, and bizarre shit, thats what I like to look at in pictures so I am with you, No, I dont want to see your old ass grandma, I dont even really want to see my Old ass Grandma.......

Michelle's Spell said...

I hear you on this one! At least we're out of the days of the dreaded slide show, hours in the dark with some dufus saying, And then I was on the beach . . .

Ribonuff said...

I agree, I get bored, but I politely look for the other person's sake.
In return I try not to drag my photo collections out, at greater than 40,000 images just since the new millenium, unless asked multiple times.
I also used to send and receive greeting cards, mostly with my girl friends. I try not to burden the guys with my phantasies in that department. No one has much time now for that stuff in either case.
Though the worst is, when you're stuck at someone's laptop for an extended period. The viewing is just awful and it can get awfully boring to get trapped there!