Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Better Truth Be Told

I wonder what would happen to sales or consumer confidence if products like weight loss pills, exercise equipment, get rich quick schemes, _______ (Insert infomercial product here). Had to use people in their advertising who represented the average result of their product.

E.I - I lost one pound and $40 dollars after three weeks on Trimchew.

E.I - I bought the worlds most expensive piece of exercise equipment and it is still in the box but I am too chick shit to return it so I just took it up the ass. Thanks Blowdex.

I hate the use of results not typical advertising. I am all for stretch goals, but there is a limit to how much you should be able to push pipe dreams. Some of those results are so far out of the standard deviation for the products group vs a control group it is crooked.

I think it is time for a better truth to be told.


Rocketstar said...

That is why I love the old addage, "If it appears to good to be true, it proabbly is."

Kind of like a loving God.

scargosun said...

Ya mean the 50 year-old bowflex grandmother has had plastic surgery?! Egads and I thought she looked so real cavorting in the pool with the 23 year-old guy.

Anonymous said...

What is there to be said about the people who actually buy into this stuff and spend the money.

Yes accountability to the people doing the advertising, but what about the suckers who bought it?

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this post, Brian. You have a unique way of looking at things that either 1) I really enjoy and am tickled pink by, or, 2) I''m wondering what vehicular wreck you just hauled yourself up from.
Carry on, carry on ;-)

Anonymous said...

Not to mention the fact that generally diet and exercise gear--the results are from the other stuff the person is doing. If diet pills worked, everyone would be skinny. It's the diet and the exercise that does it.

I would like to see a TV special on failed exercise inventions. I bet it would be f*ing hilarious and include people trying to demonstrat, falling over laughing at how ridiculous they look.

Anonymous said...

BTW, there are all kinds of nanny ads on the side. Did I miss something? Unless it's you, Brian, you needs the nanny. LOL

Brianinmpls said...

lol...the adds have been going back and forth between nanny's and sex offenders quite the combination.

JLee said...

"trimchew" lol
That's why they always have "results NOT typical" at the bottom. Bastards...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, now it says sexual abuse. These are supposed to be contextual ads??

Kyra said...

I agree... and can we get the biggest loser off the television too?