Friday, May 30, 2008

Radar Deflectors and Eternal Damnation

If there is one thing I can not stand it is people who place bibles in the review window of their cars. As if a cop walking up to give them a ticket will stumble upon its view and forgive them for speeding and swerving across three lanes with a baby stroller throwing off sparks as it drags on the ground attached to the hood.

People who use religion and guilt this way should be shot. They are using a shield of faith to protect their evil intentions. They have it there because they are planning on speeding. In my opinion this in the same category a priests using the church a platform and shroud to lure children into dark places.

Police who use this as a criteria for letting people go should be arrested.


Anonymous said...

Is that the point of a bible in the window, or is it more similar to the bouncing-headed dogs or a slew of pro-life bumper stickers?

Brianinmpls said...

It is th point of the bible in the back left hand corner of the window. It lays flat so the cover is only visible to a person who is there or walking by it. If it was a Jesus bobble head I would be all for it. Matter fact I actually am going to look on line for a jesus bobble head for my self.

The thing that gets me is the air of respectibility people thing it gives them....hey it is early

Rocketstar said...

But Brian, Christians are better people than the rest of us, they have Jesus as their lord and savior.

Anonymous said...

Jesus can't save you from a ticket.

Let me know if you find a Jesus bobblehead. That's something I'd like to see.

JLee said...

I think I would take them to jail for that...

scargosun said...

Isn't the same as getting a sticker from the Faraternal Order of Police to put on your car saying you donated money to them?
