Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lake Nokomis - 6:18 8/12/2008

I was watching an old woman today. She was sitting at a park bench a few over from me in the shade. She was watching a small boy play with a balloon in the presents of his parents. She had this incredible smile on her face. It caused all of her skin to bunch up in a million wrinkles of tissue paper thin creases. Her thin lips disappeared with age turned upward in motion of something magical. Like she was watching a secret she had waited her whole life to unfold answered right before her eyes.

I wanted to ask her what she saw, what she was thinking, what she knew, but I couldn't bring myself to interrupt that moment.

The look on her face, the joy in her eyes, it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life.


Rocketstar said...

She was probably thinking back to her memories of being a kid and realizing that her end is near and was trying to enjoy the memories while they last.

h*dizzle said...

aww sometimes its the little things in life ya know?

the scene sounds very peaceful =)

Maggie Moo said...

I bet she would have loved it if you went to talk to her. Next time, don't hold back-that beautiful moment might get better. :)

Tara said...

What a great story Brian :)

Laura said...

What a lovely moment!

Robin said...

I agree with Mags..Next time ask her what she was thinking about. I bet she would've been happy to tell you.

I love that you take time to notice life's moments, good and bad.

Ribonuff said...

I was just at Lake Nokomis myself, but did not see such a scene.

Cathy De Los Santos said...

she was probably remembering a moment very similar to what she was witnessing. it's a beautiful thing when you just take a step back and look at your life. you just might smile yourself.

Ma said...

I heard it through the grapevine - all the way in Hawaii - that somebody dumped a port-o-potty into Lake Nokomis the other day and they had to close it.... I hope that wasn't you trying to go round watching people's reactions to that too.....

ps I loved the way your compared that old lady's wrinkles to tissue paper - I can just imagine her cute lil smiley granny face all a-glow with happiness.... I hope age treats me that well someday too :)