Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Sorry #1 and #2 I Only Have Eyes for #3

We have all heard the term, "Third times the charm." Meaning the first and the second tries at what ever sucked.

If this is true I wonder how people who were born 1st or 2nd feel?

What if their parents gave up defeated before #3?

If you are on your first or second love are you just running out the clock? Waiting for the other shoe to fall?

How many things do you get right on the first time?

Do we put so much pressure on ourselves to succeed right away that we are afraid to try?

As a rule I hate rule of thumb platitudes like this aimed at making failure feel better. Sometimes you just can't get back up on that horse....ask Christopher Reeves.


Beth said...

Hey now, I was born first.

Because number one clearly doesn't always suck.

Like in the Olympics, or love at first site, or your first drink after a long day at work.


scargosun said...

Well considering I am the olderst of 3 I don't buy into that 3rd charm crap unless it is to my benefit.

Anonymous said...

I think the first time you do something is the best.. you may have not perfected it at that point, but it was the first time.

Like my first car (which broke down a lot), or my first job (which I washed dishes and almost got fired), or the first day of school (every year)...

The firsts are where it is at!!
(BTW, I'm the first born)

Brianinmpls said...

I am the oldest too.

lauren said...

What about love at first sight?

Tara said...

I was third born, but I think my Brothers are just as "special" as I am ;)

Tara said...
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Anonymous said...

It is exactly what you're saying--just makes failure feel better. I'm way beyond three tries at a lot of things, including love, but what exactly constitutes "success?" What about what you learned the other two times? Or maybe that was just what you needed the first two times.

It's a ridiculous saying. :)

villageidiot said...

I like this one:

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is NOT for you.

Sarah said...

how about 17th time's the charm in the romance department when it comes to confused commitment phobes like me?

Robin said...

I never liked that platitude either. It's right up there with 'everything happens for a reason'.Hate that one as well. Everyone lives their lives differently so what works for one won't work for the other.

Bill From Gainesville said...

Ask Christopher Reeves.... Ouch, talk about not being able to get back up on your horse...

AllPeach64 said...

I am on #3, but still dream about #2. #1 was lovely at the time, but not "for keeps".