Thursday, January 08, 2009

Coup de Grace

When I was younger I was driving to work one afternoon whene a little squirrel decided to play chicken with my car and lost...well almost lost...

I looked in my rear view mirror and saw it flopping around in the street. I pulled over and after a brief assessment of what I had on hand to end its life, I made my way over to the squirrel with my car jack.

I remember standing over it's squirming, erratic body and closing my eyes. I raised the jack and I said a little prayer that if I was not meant to kill this creature god will move it before the blow strikes it. (I was young and still had god delusions)

I never saw it hit the squirrel because I didn't open my eyes until I was walking back to my car, but I know I hit it because I felt it.

I remember driving away and I was mad at myself for praying before I did it and not having my eyes open. I shifted the blame for what I was about to do to a boogie man to easy my burden of guilt.

Never again

For the record I believe in the coup de grace and not just cause it is a cool term.

But I think I am in the minorty ...


Rocketstar said...

Nice little tale, i also find it hard to kill anything above a spider on the food chain.

Thomas said...

Damn, that was awfully noble of you, Brian. Thanks for sharing.

Bill From Gainesville said...

Brian, that reminds me of Monty python when that guy had his arms and legs cut off and kept yelling to his foe to come back and fight... that squirrel was probably all like, run me over with a car? Beat me with a Tire Iron? Come back here Brian and FIGHT....But he was speaking squirrel language and you had your eyes shut...

SS+1 said...

...Did you make it to Day 8?