Tuesday, February 03, 2009

CSI - Work Around

I wonder why people don't get more creative when trying to leave foot prints at a crime scene. Like take a plaster mold of someone else's shoe prints then fasten them to the bottom of their own shoes and walk around. So you can frame someone else.

They always wear bigger shoes but then don't you run the risk of tripping or being super slow?

This is a fun game to play watch an episode of CSI and then correct all of the mistakes that the criminals made.

When you think about it with all of the crime shows net work TV is really just a training class for the next generation of super villains.

Ok maybe this is only funny to me...lol


Sherry said...

That is kinda funny...

Lauren Elizabeth said...

I think those shows give me false confidence that I could get away with a crime.

Pan Historia said...

But don't the criminals always get caught through some incredibly cunning pseudoscience?

Wyatt at Pan Historia

Bill From Gainesville said...

I just like how freaking dramatic Caruso is ... Its like a caracicture (sp) He is just so over the top with his seriousness and his staring people down all the time and his far off looks -- Plus who just drives to a park or a beach with a beautiful background to have a short conversation? caruso and those wacky dudes at CSI Miami, thats who.

Robin said...

Yes, it is a training class for future villians...and for bad actors (to become worse) as well.

Unknown said...

I read an old-school 60s Nancy Drew novel where the villain tied sponges to his shoes to commit the crime. I always swore I'd do the same if I became a criminal.