Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Iowa? Really?

Can you believe Iowa is now ahead of Minnesota in gay rights?

Not that I have anything against Iowa it is more of a dig against Minnesota...remember we used to be a progressive state?

I just can't believe it.


Sundar said...

I know it goes against conventional thinking. But so does the fact that California voted for Prop 8.

Rocketstar said...

It's only a matter of time. Gays have been fighting for equal rights for a couple of decades now. I think all states (except maybe the South) will eventually see the error of thier religious bigotry.

Next, it's Atheists turn to rise from the "despised" class.

Me in Memphis said...

Go Hawks! :)

Ma said...

I was equally shocked about this

Maggie Moo said...

I'm shocked that VT came around too.