Thursday, September 29, 2011

Slut Walk

While I am a little sad that I will miss this Saturdays slut walk, I think I will live. I guess I understand the premise that just case you look like a slut doesn’t mean people have the right to harass you or grab you or worse. But then why dress like a slut if you don’t want that attention?

If I dress up in a police uniform do I have the right to get mad when people ask me for help? Or arrest me for impersonating a police officer? How about if I dress up like a doctor? Firefighter? Army Soldier?

See what you wear whether you like it or not creates an expectation of who you are and what you do. We can argue whether this is right or wrong all day but it is true.

Now I am not saying that people who wear short skirts and tore fishnets deserve to get raped. I am just saying that choosing to wear clothes that might create the expectation of sex would lead to being placed situations where the possibility is more likely.

This outward appears extends to all of us for another example, I should be able to wear a colored bandana on my head to keep my hair out of my eyes and soak up sweat when I am raking the lawn. It should be my right to dress how I want. But that way of dress has a different intention or meaning in others, others who might assault or shoot at me. Knowing this exists if I wear the bandana anyway do I have an argument if I am shot at even though it isn’t right and I have not done anything wrong?

See the world is an imperfect place and although your intentions with your wardrobe choice may be good in a dynamic world your intentions do not exist in a vacuum without others.

That said I enjoy the skirts and fishnets so I hope it doesn’t swing to far the other way.

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