Wednesday, June 30, 2021



Is breakfast just a leftover from an outdated era? I rarely if ever wake up hungry let alone thinking I need to make a full meal before I start the day. I usually don’t feel hungry until around midday so I am good to go in the morning with coffee and piece of fruit.

 I remember my mom forcing me to eat in the morning. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Studies show you will fail out of school if you don’t eat breakfast.

 I started to wonder if Breakfast is like school, something that is outdated from our industrial\farming past where you might have needed a meal right away because you were doing vigorous manual labor the moment you work up until you were done. Where your body might have needed the morning fuel to sustain the activity of the day.

I sometimes find myself doing the same things to my kids….or feeling like a bad dad if I send them off in the morning without a full stomach.

 How weird is that.

 If you are not hungry don’t eat.  Listen to your body. Listen to your kids. 



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