Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The cost of being slow

In case you are wondering yes I actually do stuff like this. This weekend I was making several trips to Home Depot getting supplies to fix some stuff around the house. My path there leads me down Portland Ave. I take this same path to work everyday. For those of you not familiar with it is a 4 lane divided residential street. (at least the part that I take) I had to pee. Having to pee fairly urgently I began to notice every little pothole in the street. This is when I began to notice that there were more potholes in the slow lane than in the fast lane. Musing on this as I peed in the holiday gas station bathroom, I started to formulate a hypothesis.

Driving in the slow lane cost more because there are more potholes.
Why...manhole covers and sewers are placed in the street because it is the lowest point for water to run. I had a level with me and took several sections of measurements and sure enough, the rise and the run showed me that the middle of the street was a few degrees higher than that of the lane closest to the curb allowing water to run off to the storm drains. Since there is more creases or seams on the lane that shares its boundary with the curb there is more cracks for water to get in to freeze and thaw and create potholes. Moreover, since more water is funneled to the sides of the street there is increased chance of that process happening. Hence the bumper ride that is harder on my shocks that cost me more money on upkeep on my car i.e. new tires, tie rods, rotations etc.

At least this is what I am thinking. Granted a few measurements on Portland is hardly sufficient to make such a claim as driving in the slow lane causes more damage to your car but it definitely got me thinking....


dawnmarie said...

bummer for Rachel.

dawnmarie said...
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Brianinmpls said...

She is pokey?

Anonymous said...

HAHA... I can just see you out on Portland with a level... doing the pee dance!

Brianinmpls said...

It was pretty funny several people came out to see what I was doing...i think some of them thought I was some kind of terrorist looking to blow up Portland..lol

Sarah said...

brian, with every post you amaze me. in a good way, 100% in a good way.

i wish i lived up there and could absorb some of your smarts.

Rocketstar said...

Who drives in the slow lane?

I also would love to have a picture of you out in the middle of Portland Ave with a level, priceless.

Rachel said...

Dawn, you insult my driving, yet who is it that's driving you to the airport at some ungodly hour next week? That's what I thought.

And I second Rocketstar's comment. I would love to see a picture of Brian in the middle of the street with a level.

dawnmarie said...

hey, i wasn't insulting your driving, I never said you were a bad driver! I'm the bad driver, we all know this.

Brianinmpls said...
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Brianinmpls said...

I will do a dramatic recreation this weekend and send out the photos..lol

Thats good Say rah! since most people just think I am a basketcase...lol

Sarah said...

is there something wrong with that? hell, that may be why i like you.

Dem Soldier said...

Lol.....pee dancing @ Portland Ave.....I usually drive in Portland Ave, and drive in the slow lane Rocket......

Hope the weekend went well...