Monday, March 26, 2007


Anyone else having a Ferris Buellerish dream for today? Honestly, I am squirming in my chair to get outside and run around.

My perfect day of hookie...If I am alone..If I am not alone it is easy make out and cuddle all day:)
Sleep in till 9:30.
Make and eat a real breakfast.
Go down to the lake and walk or skate around it with my headphones blasting.
Take a long shower
Go to Jimmy Johns for lunch
Sit on my swing and eat Jimmy Johns and read a book (Smoke some cigs)
Go to happy hour at Tailgate @ 3:00 have some chicken wings and Vodka 7's and sit on the back patio.

Ok not as exciting as a parade or cubs game but hey I am a simple kind of

What is your perfect day of hookie?


Sherry said...

The perfect day of hookie?
I'd go lookie (at the mall)
I'd read a bookie
I'd take a dookie
Maybe eat a cookie
Possibly get some nookie

Oh... this is sooooo sad....

Brianinmpls said...

lol...I def. have to get you on my poetry lable. But really a perfect day mine is almost the same minus the mall...puke

Rocketstar said...

Sleep in until I naturally wake up.

Eggs and bacon breakfast

Tee Time around 11:00

Shoot par

Long shower

Play with kids and wife

Drinks and eats

Put kids to bed and welcome babysitter

More drinks plus...

See a favorite band live

Monkey sex

Go to sleep and repeat.

Sarah said...


lots of napping and eating and some other stuff.

lauren said...

I played hooky last Monday. I slept until 11, made a real breakfast, got caught up on my soap opera, took a nap, watched a movie, made dinner, took a shower and went to bed. It was nothing special. That's what made it perfect~

Anonymous said...

Hoping on a flight to somewhere warm and not telling anyone!!!!

I guess that means I'd have to play hookie on Friday or Monday

Anonymous said...

hopping I meant...

dawnmarie said...

I like this post, Bri, mine would be the same as yours nearly, minues the cigs and the Jimmy Johns, I'd get something different, I rarely want Jimmy Johns.

Mags said...


Perfect day:

Wake up whenever I want
Stay in PJ's reading
Long shower
Insert Monkey Sex
Walk in the woods
Nice Dinner and Wine
Maybe some more Monkey Sex...hey, if they see me limping the next day, they'll think I was really hurt!


Thomas said...

Today is my day of hooky. I have a flexible job in which I can take a day off pretty off whenever as long as I don't get behind in my duties. I slept in a couple extra hours, did some laundry, took the dog for a walk, did some web surfing, and am gonna meet the missus at Wendy's in a couple hours. All this slackin' really builds an appetite...

Rocketstar said...

mags, "Maybe some more Monkey Sex...hey, if they see me limping the next day, they'll think I was really hurt!"

--- LOL!!

I can't be believe some lucky guy hasn't snatched you up yet!

Brianinmpls said...

Looks like we all just need to get together and make monkey love.