I sat down to pay bills last night (yuck I just vomited in my mouth) and I really looked at them.
Have you ever noticed all of the little fees at the bottom of each bill?
Well last night I added them up from all of my bills, water, cell phone, electric, gas, cable etc.
The grand total $38.64 which is $463.68 a year
Now if there is roughly 112 million private residences in the united states and we all have roughly the same household expenses
That is $51,932,160,000 dollars collected annually from the american population. That is over $50 Billion dollars in stupidity taxes.
Isn't that amazing?
Does anyone even know what these fees are for?
I estimate that stupidity costs the average household $1,500.00 a year and that is a conservative estimate. Onces I do a little more research I will share how I got to that number.
That's why I just don't pay my bills. 8)
These numbers make me feel depressed.
What are these "bills" you speak of?
I know I just discovered a pile of them growing in my closet
I avoid looking at them just so I can pay the bills without dropping dead from a heart attack each month :)
Ah, Brian. If you owned a bed that had "magic fingers" like the ones in hotels in the 70's (that you inserted quarters in), you might not worry so much about "fees".
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